The capillary rise of ground water in masonry walls is a well-known phenomenon in ancient buildings and one of the most recurrent hazards to monuments. The phenomenon of rising damp is more recurrent in old than new constructions, due to the fact that the old buildings have often masonry foundations and lack of a damp-proof course, i.e. of a layer hindering the water transport from the ground to the upper structure. The phenomenon of rising damp is quite slow; this means that damage to the building materials and structures may become visible only after several years from the construction or restoration intervention.
The relevance of the problem of rising damp is reflected by the large variety of methods and products against rising damp on the market. Existing methods include mechanical interruption, chemical interruption i.e. injection (with pressure) and impregnation (without pressure or with hydrostatic pressure only), methods based on evaporation increase and several electrokinetic methods (as electro-osmosis). Some of these methods (for example the injection with water repellent products) can be suitable to stop the ingress of capillary water, but are not effective in the case hydrostatic pressure is present.
A preferred solution to the rising damp in walls is the creation of an electromagnetic field on the walls, which opposes the orientation of the dipolar water molecules, disordering them, and allowing the force of gravity to eventually pull the water molecules back underground.
Figure 1. The rising damp a) Before and b) after with the use of HumitechTM
AMEN New Technologies has designed and produced such an improved device based on low frequency radiation that solves the rising damp phenomenon with high efficiency, making the environment healthy without odors.
The HumitechTM device eliminates once and for all the humidity climbing the walls from the ground! A HumitechTM device can cover an area of up to 240 sq.m.